Wadi Jeddah Company was established pursuant to the Royal Decree no. (M/20) dated 15/04/1431 H as a public company owned by King AbdulAziz University and based on the Royal Decree an area of the university land is assigned for it in order to use it in achieving the purposes of the company. The company aims to contribute effectively in developing knowledge economy by investing in manufacturing and transferring technology, as well as nationalizing and developing it and to invest patents, intellectual rights and industrial models, and to invest in support economic activities and knowledge industries. it has a special basic system and is subject to public companies system.
The Preferred Partner for Sustainable Investment.
Discovering, supporting, and managing outstanding investment opportunities in the Kingdom through sustainable strategic partnerships.
Professional Honesty – Mastery and Commitment – Effective Communication – Teamwork – Professionalism in Performance – Maintaining and Developing the Public Property.
The Chief Executive Officer’s Message
Wadi Jeddah Company, as the investment arm of King Abdulaziz University, firmly believes in the importance of investing in information & knowledge as the main engine of economic growth, therefore, Wadi Jeddah Company strives to be a beneficiary of diverse and innovative opportunities in the various industries including information technology, healthcare, education & FinTech investment as well as small business incubation and acceleration and encouragement of innovation and creativity.
Wadi Jeddah Company believes that strategic thinking and ability to be agile and adaptive to rapid economic changes and openness to entrepreneurial opportunities are essential for success and growth in the investment world.
We are determined at Wadi Jeddah Company to comply with vision 2030 vision and national transformation initiatives, and to expand our partnerships and take a leading position in the world of business and economy.
I would like to extend my gratitude to all my colleagues at Wadi Jeddah and command their efforts, they are in fact the cornerstone of the company. The company’s faith in their ability to achieve growth and excellence is inherent, and Wadi Jeddah will spare no effort in providing the best culture and work environment to its employees enabling them to accomplish their goals.
I am also delighted to listen to your comments and suggestions, as our cooperation is essential for our future success.
Thank you all for your trust in Wadi Jeddah Company and looking forward to a continuous and sustainable success.
Dr. Sattam Saud Lingawi
Among the major pillars that make up the main framework of the company’s investment strategy and the most important factors in achieving the desired results and objectives are the following:
Wadi Jeddah Company is highly focused on maintaining and developing its current assets by adding new valuable assets, maximizing its revenue, and optimizing the available resources, so as to activate the financial perspective in the strategy plan.
Wadi Jeddah company is diligently seeking to activate its vision and fulfilling the requirements of both clients and stakeholders by turning its focus towards establishing strategic partnerships and alliances with the university sectors or with external entities, alongside global partnerships for activating the strategic customer perspective.
Among of the most important trends that Wadi Jeddah Company is working on internally to achieve its objectives is to give a great deal of attention to the transfer and development of technology, as well as the firm commitment to localizing the transferred technologies with the assistance of highly qualified national manpower that are qualified and equipped to operate these technologies, thus activating the strategic internal operations perspective.
Wadi Jeddah company is fully committed to providing a stimulating, creativity-friendly and innovation-friendly work environment, and providing all technical, human and administrative requirements to activate the learning and growth perspective.
Investment in the development of land assigned for Wadi Jeddah project for technology and the lands of the University which are available in order to make available the suitable environment for attracting scientists, employees and their families.
To prepare students for work in the private sector by training, qualification and providing suitable job opportunities during the academic phase.
To attract local and foreign investments to participate in supporting the objectives of the company and to cooperate with organizations, companies and establishments practicing similar or complementary activities.
To make available the suitable environment for conducting economically feasible scientific researches for the service of knowledge economy.
To establish technology incubators and invest in them.
To invest in technology transfer industry and nationalize and develop it.
To invest the patents, intellectual rights and industrial models.
To invest in support economic activities and knowledge industries.
To attract distinguished talents of scientists and advisors.
To make available investment opportunities in scientific research and development for teaching staff.
To present consultations in the field of developing education and scientific research and technology industry.
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